Wouldn't it be great if we woke up everyday with a cheerful, positive attitude? Full of energy and creative ideas for the day?? Happy to face anything life throws at us with a smile and a dismissive wave of the hand?
Yea, that is sooooooooooo not me. In fact I've been quite the opposite lately.
Today would have been a great day to lay in bed with a good book, a fan and a glass of ice water to wallow in. Instead, I made my grumpy self get some things done today.... clean the fish tank, clean the frog tank, do the laundry and clean the kitchen, all while tripping over children and a puppy. So far, I'm pretty proud of myself. The next thing I promised myself is that I would sit and blog rather than just read other blogs. Since my high speed- tons of storage- top of the line laptop that houses all of my photos, Photoshop and writings is on death's door, I've no creative photos to share to liven up the page. HOWEVER.... let me paint a mental image for you!
Fresh juicy peaches, cut into bite size chunks, lightly dusted with sugar and a small amount of cream drizzled over the top. I'm enjoying that as I type. What a pretty photo that would make!!!
Well, I can't resist.... thanks to royalty free photos available at http://www.sxc.hu/ I've found some lovely peaches to tempt you with.