I probably should have titled this blog "The End" rather than The Beginning. However.... it is the beginning of the end of the old me. We can't fight aging and I'd never want to go back 20 or thirty years ago just to battle the side effects of age. Our bodies are miraculously resilient, I'll just trust in that fact and start from here.
The last couple of years have been harsh on me, physically especially. I'm taking 4 to 8 pills a day for a variety of aging side effects.... high blood pressure.... depression.... heart rate too fast.... can't sleep on my own. So, as I look at 192 lbs of me in the mirror (possibly 10 of that due to the bags under my eyes) I've decided to take the matter into my own hands and start to eat right, exercise, sleep more, find authentic health tips and put them to practice. I'm ready to dig down to the real me. The one I haven't seen for a while. I'll be journaling this adventure for my benefit more than anyone else. I may or may not post these. No pressure on myself to post. Just, push forward!
As I sit here and type, my hair is piled on top of my head with a new foaming dye. I'm gonna wash that gray right out of my hair first! Once the timer goes off, I'll be climbing into the shower to lather, rinse and repeat. I've decided to pamper myself by giving myself a pedicure as well. This could be a challenge, considering I broke my left foot more than a month ago... but I'm darned well gonna try!
Tonight, the facial. I will be sleeping with it on and waking up to a flaky face in the morning that I'll need to clean up. But my skin should be a bit tighter. My next step is to drink 10 glasses of water throughout the day tomorrow.
Along with upgrading my body, I am also working on my creative side. A few months ago I started to teach myself to draw. My sister and I have also started taking a watercolor course as well. My true love is photography and digital art. To watch my creative growth, I'll be sharing pictures of my creations.
My first thought in working on this blog was "who cares, aside from myself?" Maybe no one at all.... or maybe someone else will be encouraged to try as well.
Well, the timer is calling me to the shower. Wish me luck!
Thanks for doing this Dawnee (hugging myself)... and thanks for reading. ~ dawnee